
In addition, the factories we work with are Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) certified, meaning that they follow common standards, from mine to retail, fulfilling the below six objectives:
- To improve legal and regulatory compliance, strengthen public reporting and secure a commitment to responsible business practices
- Responsible supply chains to uphold human rights, support community development, promote anti-corruption efforts and manage sourcing risks
- Compliance with international labour conventions and ensuring responsible working conditions
- Protecting the health and safety of both people and environments, and to use natural resources efficiently
- To adequately control, and disclose information about, products and so avoid misleading or deceptive marketing practices
- To secure responsible exploration and mining practices that protect potentially affected communities and environments from adverse impacts
More information on the RJC standards can be found here

Recyclable Packaging
Our packaging is recyclable and plastic free, and free from toxic chemicals and products that are damaging to the environment and eco-system. Our packaging is also FSC Certified, meaning that materials come from an FSC® forest, where no more wood is cut down than the forest can reproduce. In addition, we use Royal Mail for all of our deliveries, which already has the lowest reported carbon emissions per parcel of any major UK delivery company and a robust program in place to continue to reduce emissions.
Here at Eleanor Thomas our children and the next generation are of the greatest importance and it is our hope that by incorporating sustainable values in our processes we take responsibility for the legacy we leave behind.